Landscape Solutions
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Evergreen Trees
Various types of evergreens make for great privacy screens, property borders and wind breaks. Different types of Arborvitae, Spruce and Pine are commonly used for this type of application.

Deciduous Trees
These types of trees drop their leaves in the fall and remain bare all winter. They can be used for their ability to provide shade or as a focal point for their foliage or flowers.
My name is Bob Gallagher, owner and operator of Gallagher Greens Landscape Solutions. I have lived in Bucks County for most of my life and feel very fortunate to have grown up in such a wonderful area. I am a graduate of Central Bucks East High School and Bucks County Community College. I have over 15 years of experience in the Landscaping industry and have a lot of knowledge in trees and plants from working for a local tree farm and nursery for 8 years. I would love the opportunity to help you improve and maintain your grass and landscaping. Please do not hesitate to reach out for any information or an estimate. I am looking forward to working for you!